What is fluid purification?

Purification is the mechanical and thermal vacuum method of separating damaging contaminants from fluid so the fluid and equipment can experience significantly higher levels of reliability.

Where do you perform your services?

Services are generally performed on-site. Occasionally, fluids can be remotely purified as necessary.

What hours does CAN-AK operate?

Because of the nature of our customers’ operations, our services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

How many times can a fluid be purified?
CAN-AK has demonstrated that most fluids can be purified many times over. In fact, when fluids are kept in good operating condition, their useful life can be extended.
How often should I decontaminate my fluid system?

Because CAN-AK is a reliability-focused organization, we recommend system decontamination at each equipment outage, prior to initial commissioning, and after any catastrophic failure.

Who does the actual work?
We do! Our technicians are highly trained and hold various industry certifications and credentials.
How do I know that my fluid and system have successfully been purified?
CAN-AK utilizes real-time state-of-the-art technology in fluid analysis such as laser particle counters. Our on-site instruments will measure fluid and system conditions throughout the process and the data is immediately available to us and our clients. Furthermore, once the project is completed, CAN-AK sends all samples to an independent laboratory for further testing and verification.
What happens to the contaminants that are removed?

Solid contaminants are collected in drums and in filter media. Moisture and gases are collected in drums or scrubbed out during the process. Removed contamination is left behind at the plant or CAN-AK will arrange for its disposal according to local rules and regulations.

What does the fluid purification process cost?
Depending on volumes processed, typically costs far less than the cost of new replacement fluid. Most of our clients can expect to save tens of thousands of dollars annually in reduced new fluid.
Is color a good indication of my fluid's cleanliness?
No. Color has little to do with cleanliness levels. In fact, fluids can often appear to be normal while actually they are severely contaminated.
What type of equipment is used during the CAN-AK process?
CAN-AK primarily utilizes state-of-the-art vacuum distillation, centrifugal separation, high velocity flow, chemical cleaning, and sub-micron particle elimination.
What types of fluid can be purified?
Most commercial, industrial fluids and coolants can be purified with very few exceptions. Used motor oils are generally not candidates for purification.
Can you filter out fluid oxidation?
Yes! We employ proprietary CAN-AK technologies to remove oxidative by-products from fluid and fluid systems thereby lowering the overall oxidation and save dollars in fluid replacement. In most cases however, because fluids typically become contaminated far in advance of any oxidation, this process is not necessary.
Does CAN-AK's High Velocity Oil Flush create turbulent or laminar flow?
We create turbulent flow of the flushing oil. Turbulent flow begins at Re 4,000. We typically achieve Re> 25,000.
Will you supply all the bearing jumpers for a High Velocity Oil Flush project?
Yes, part of our 24/7 turnkey service is to design, fabricate and install the jumpers. No need to use a customer’s craft labor.
Will I receive a Final Project Report upon completion of your service?
Yes, after all written and photographic documentation is completed by the Project Manager, it is forwarded to the Account Manager to complete the report.
What oil can we use when flushing?
It’s the customer’s choice, we can flush with the existing charge of oil or new oil. Either way the oil will be cleaner and dryer upon completion of the flush.
Do you rent equipment for the Rapid Varnish Removal?
All our programs are services, we man our equipment and monitor your equipment 24/7 to ensure the most reliable and efficient service is afforded to our customers.
We have varnish in our gas turbine lube oil system that is causing valve stiction and reducing the anti-oxidants in my turbine oil. How can CAN-AK help me?

CAN-AK has developed a Rapid Varnish Mitigation service that will reduce your MPC rating into the normal range (<15) typically within 7-8 24 hour days. When reducing the varnish potential or MPC number we are removing the oxidation by products that deplete the healthy anti-oxidants that prevent valve stiction and premature oil life.

What does your High Velocity Chemical Cleaning process entail?
First, all our CAN-AK chemicals are designed to be environmental safe to use and easy for disposal. We begin by using our Interior Surface Cleaner to remove all traces of hydrocarbon residue, second is the Chelation stage to remove rust and scale. Finishing with our Passivation stage that provides short term protection against rust and corrosion, the lines will have a gun metal grey finish once completed.
All I need on my Steam Turbine is an oil flush, why should I invest in your High Velocity Chemical Cleaning service?
Over the years we have found that investing in our High Velocity Chemical Cleaning compresses the High Velocity Oil Flush schedule. It removes the varnish and rust an oil flush will not remove.
How long does the High Velocity Chemical Cleaning take?

This service is like baking a cake, we following a process recipe for success. We estimate it takes 3-4 days to complete.

Do you have a unique or complex application?

For Any Solution, We Are Available For You

Please contact us with questions or project requests. Alternatively, we can be reached at (855) 353-4452.