1.0 Executive Summary

CAN-AK is providing this Post-Project Report to outline and detail the High-Velocity Oil Flush of the Tilbury LNG BOG Compressor KR-115234 A/B/C lube oil systems successfully completed at the ES Fox Edmonton site. This report covers the project in detail, and outlines the primary objectives, scope and methodology used, in addition to key benefits provided and post-project recommendations.

Jarvis Gluckie
Account Manager
CAN-AK Industrial Services
403.554.7955 Mobile
[email protected]

2.0 Introduction

CAN-AK was contracted to perform a flush on the Tilbury LNG BOG Compressor KR-115234 A/B/C lube oil systems using CAN-AK’s high-velocity oil flushing and purification technology. CAN-AK removed contamination from the lube oil systems and purified the fluid to OEM standards using high-velocity turbulent flow, heat, and advanced filtration.

3.0 Primary Objectives

CAN-AK’s primary objective was to remove all fabrication debris and other sources of potential contamination and prepare all the lube oil systems and associated piping for commissioning.

System cleanliness was confirmed by 100 mesh API 614 screening (zero visible particles on the screen) analysis and ISO4406:1999 as verified by CAN-AK’s MP Filtri LPA2 Laser Particle Counter (16/14/11 or better).

4.0 Project Scope

CAN-AK completed the project in a turn-key fashion and provided Project Management, technicians, tools, and equipment for all aspects of the job.

CAN-AK performed all necessary connections and disconnections for the job scope.

CAN-AK provided real-time onsite verification via daily screening and periodic particle count tests (additional screens were provided at ES Fox’s request).

Three CAN-AK employees (2 Technicians and 1 Project Manager) provided 24-hour service with 1 Technician and 1 Project Manager on days and 1 Technician on nights. The Project Manager worked split shifts as necessary.

5.0 Methodology

Specific flushing locations were chosen to ensure that turbulent flow and maximum Reynolds numbers were achieved. API 614 screens were installed to determine the cleanliness of the system and ASTM system piping per ISO4406:1999 testing standards. System cleanliness to be verified by 100 and 200 mesh API 614 screening (zero visible particles observed on the screen).

6.0 Project Timeline & Major Events

08-04-2016 CAN-AK Bill of Materials created and QA/QC process on FPU (Fluid Processing Unit) and other equipment completed; equipment loaded and ready for mobilization to ES Fox Edmonton site.

08-04-2016 Travel to Edmonton site and secured accommodation.

09-04-2016 Arrive on location and completed site orientation, walked-down systems and formalized plan. Load-in completed and initial flush commenced; 0640 Skid A initial proving screen found dirty.

13-04-2016 Skid A screen declared pass. Begin teardown at 1615, completed at 1900.

14-04-2016 Begin set-up on Skid B; initial screen run at 1400 found to be dirty.

18-04-2016 Skid B screen declared pass. Set up jumps for Skid C and begin initial flush of Skid C at 0900.

22-04-2016 0700 Skid C final screen passes; begin draining system and teardown.

23-04-2016 1300 Load-out complete; de-mobilize to CAN-AK facility.

7.0 Equipment Set-Up Photographs

8.0 Project Before and After Photographs

9.0 Key Benefits to ES Fox

System cleanliness to ASTM and OEM standards is assured.

The risk of potential equipment wear or failure due to contamination has been reduced and benefits such as lower future maintenance and repair costs may be realized.

The systems have been circulated and repeatedly checked to ensure integrity and lowering the risk of future leaks.

Bolts and flanges have been checked and torqued to specification with ES Fox supervision, thereby ensuring overall system integrity.

10.0 Conclusion

The project was a success and resulted in the KR-115234 A/B/C systems meeting or exceeding industry and ES Fox standards for contamination. The systems were successfully cleaned and verified through visual inspection of 100-200 mesh screens.

11.0 Recommendations

On future projects involving lubrication and other systems dependent on a minimal level of contamination the importance of sealing off any exposed piping and making cleanliness a priority in the work area should be emphasized. If activities are performed around a newly cleaned system, caution must be exercised or it can be quickly re-contaminated.

If required CAN-AK could assist the asset end-user in developing a lubrication program based on industry-accepted good lubrication practices:

CAN-AK could provide future onsite lube oil sampling and/or an assessment of current oil sampling processes to correct any deficiencies that may be present
Onsite training on sampling techniques for Operations personnel could be performed
Sampling procedures for any required equipment could be generated to allow a lubrication trending program to be established
CAN-AK recommends installation of minimus fittings at the optimal sampling points in the system to eliminate the potential for sample contamination.

CAN-AK can provide online purification to reduce any future abnormal particle counts on Skid A/B/C, in addition to other equipment throughout the plant. This can be completed during ongoing operations on any equipment that it might be required on.

Should varnish or contamination become an issue on this or other equipment in the future, CAN-AK DOA online varnish removal or High-Velocity Chemical Cleaning & Oil Flushing may be used.

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